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Elevator Modernisation

for Demanding Environments

Designed for Harsh Environments

Many industrial processes need to be controlled outside of the clean and cool control room. The requirements for human-machine interface panels change drastically when placed next to a running diesel engine, a process line in operation or in a fast moving train.

Genera has a long history of designing control equipment for demanding situations where high reliability is a must, the operations environment is tough and the requirements are tight. Typical installations include process automation, transportation and offshore applications.

GOP family of HMI-panels

Our product range starts from small 3.5″ indicator displays and extends up to 42″ display size, and uses exclusively TFT LCD technology. The product functionality covers indicator displays, destination control touch panels and Infotainment systems.

The important building block of our products is the flexible software platform that supports various control electronics platforms used in different products.


GOPs are configured using a Windows-based tool program, GOPTool. GOPTool offers graphical drawing tools to design display layouts, parameter settings for communication and logical operations, as well as calculations to create panel functionality. Common graphical presentations, such as bar charts and trend curves, are supported. Panel configuration can be tested and verified in a Windows environment before it is transferred to the panel from a PC. Configurations and the internal panel software are stored in a re-programmable flash memory inside the panel.

IPC family of Industrial Panel Computers

Industrial Panel Computers are available in various display sizes, 10″ – 19″, with or without touch screens. The mechanics and interfaces can be tailored according to the end-user application. The Operating system is either embedded Linux or Windows.

IPC G can be used in several various ways:

  1. As a terminal server.
  2. As a general purpose Linux/Windows PC.
  3. With GOP software (configured with GOP Tool software).

The HT-model can operate in up to +65C ambient temperature conditions. The electronics are housed in IP65 (at front).

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